Use of your Personal Data at Churchview Dental

A Brief outline of the use of your personal Data at Churchview Dental Practice.
We seek your consent to obtain and process personal data for the purpose of providing you with dental treatment safely and to the highest standards. This statement is your guide to the principles of privacy and confidentiality which govern the collection, use, storage, disclosure and destruction of your personal data in this practice. A full copy of our data protection policy is available at reception or at .
The data compliance officer in this practice is Deborah Fahie-Wilson.

Obtaining personal information:
It is important to obtain, use and store information about you, your general and your dental health in order to provide dental care efficiently and reduce the risk of injury or other damage to your health. This personal data includes:
• Personal details such as your name, age, address, telephone numbers, email address.
• Your PPS number should you wish to be treated under a state scheme.
• Your doctor and relevant Medical Consultant(s)
• Your medical and dental history.
• X-rays, clinical photographs and study models.
• Information about proposed treatment, options, consent to treatment, treatment provided and its cost.
• Notes of conversations or incidents that might occur for which a record needs to be kept.
• Any correspondence with other healthcare professionals relating to you including agreed referrals to other healthcare professionals.
• Details of your dental insurance scheme.
Your personal information is stored on computer. This practice is registered with the Data Protection Commissioner.
We will regularly update your personal data, including your medical care, to keep it relevant. We ask that you please inform us of any changes, such as a change of medication, medical status, address or other contact details, at your earliest convenience. It is important to know that the collection, use or possible disclosure of this data may be crucial to our ability to safely provide you with the care you require; without your agreement to this process it may not be possible to undertake treatment.
You have access to a copy of your personal data upon written request and the right to have data rectified if incorrect.
It is practice policy to send you a reminder of when your next ‘appointment’, ‘check-up’ or ‘dental hygiene visit’ is due. This reminder is sent to you by text message, email or post; as appropriate. We seek your consent to use your personal data for this purpose and advise you of your right to refuse to have your data used for this purpose.
Your consent will be sought before the release of any data to other healthcare professionals and then only the relevant part of your records will be released. All healthcare professionals are required to treat your personal data to the same standard of privacy as outlined in this statement.
If you do not wish to have your personal data collected, used or disclosed as described in this Statement please discuss this matter with Deborah Fahie-Wilson. It is important to know that the collection, use or possible disclosure of this data may be crucial to our ability to safely provide you with the care you require; without your agreement to this process it may not be possible to undertake treatment.

Deborah Fahie-Wilson
Compliance Officer